
 Welcome to my blog! I am a gamer! I like playing games that have great story and plot, interesting characters, stunning visuals and atmospheric music! I like games that are story-driven, or the story has a great part in the gameplay! Some of my favorites are Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, God of War, Heavenly Sword, Remember Me, Enslaved, BloodRayne, Assassin's Creed, The Longest Journey and Heavy Rain! As you can see, I don't have a favorite genre, but I like to play great, good games! You can say that I like the "Good Games"!

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Το γραπτό κείμενο είναι δημιουργία του Gamer's Sanctum και χορηγείται με άδεια Creative Commons Αναφορά Δημιουργού-Μη Εμπορική Χρήση-Όχι Παράγωγα Έργα 4.0 Διεθνές .
Το υπόλοιπο υλικό είναι βασισμένο στο παιχνίδι Tomb Raider .
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